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Movie Review: The Martian

When a severe sandstorm hits mars and forces an emergency launch one of the astronauts, Mark Watney, gets hit by debris and after searching for him, the crew presumes him dead. In order for the rest of them to survive, they must immediately get back to Hermes. The rest of the crew makes it back to Hermes safely and takes off, devastated by the loss of one of their crew members. After the storm dies down and the other astronauts have left Mars, Watney awakes to find himself injured and alive alone on what is known to be inhabitable planet. With no way to contact NASA and not enough supplies to last him until the next mission to Mars, Watney must find a way to survive. Using a multitude of techniques, he “sciences the shit out of this” and finds a way to grow food to survive long enough to make contact with NASA to figure out how to get him home safely. I loved this movie. I really enjoyed the plot but also how it was made. I thought that the sounds and graphics played a large role in emphasizing the feeling the producers were trying to get across. One thing that I really liked was the visual effects when Watney was vlogging his time on Mars.




















I thought that it was really cool and helped you visualize the science and technology behind space travel along with the complexity of it. I think the most important part of this film was the sound. The sound effects that are used when something is going wrong (such as the alarm beeping) effectively helps you feel the intensity of the scene. When something good happens, the correct music and sound effects were used to portray relief and success. On another note, I thought the acting was phenomenal. Matt Damon does a great job of expressing the strength and determination his character has to survive against all odds. I also thought that Jeff Daniels did an excellent job portraying the seriousness of the situation his character was in. I would strongly recommend this movie to anyone regardless of what type of movies they tend to like for many reasons. First off, the plot of the movie is intriguing from beginning to end. I thought the movie was very well done in terms that you knew Watney would make it home but the plot twists in order to get him there kept me on the edge of my seat. Second, I thought the music and sound effects were also being used appropriately and doing nothing but help you relate to the movie. Like I mentioned earlier, when something went wrong and you could hear the alarm beeping, it raised the intensity of the viewer and helped visualize the stress that the characters were under. One of my favorite parts about the movie was the humor that was incorporated. Although it was a bad, stressful situation, it was balanced out by humor. For example, when Watney is trying to figure out how to drive the rover a distance way more than its prepared for, he says “I’m going to have to science the shit out of this”. I would 10/10 recommend this movie to anyone and everyone.

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