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I chose the movie “The Martian” because I watched it for a previous assignment and really liked the movie. Just by watching the movie I could tell that there was a lot of work that went into it that you don’t know about. After watching a video on the making of the movie, I learned that they faced multiple challenges. First, the spacesuits that astronauts are supposed to wear have glass visors. The issue with that is you can see reflections in the glass which would mean that in the visor, you would be able to see the reflections of the lights, camera crew, etc. As a result of this, the suits the actors wore didn’t have visors and they were edited in later. Another challenge they faced was the location where they filmed. One difference between the location they filmed and Mars is that where they were filming the sky was blue with clouds which isn’t accurate for Mars. Again, they were able to fix this when they were editing but it created a lot of work because with every shot they filmed, they had to go in and fix the sky. These are just two of many challenges the producers faced while in the making of The Martian. One thing that went wrong was the release date getting moved up which meant they lost 4 weeks of filming. This shows the importance of pre production because had they just been filming random things and winging it as they went along, they never would have been able to finish the movie prior to the deadline. 

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