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The Parent Trap

First off, the theme of the movie is about twin sisters who were seperated by their parents when they got divorced. After they meet each other at summer camp and switch places, they decide they need to get their parents back together. Throughout the majority of the movie, Halle and Annie are trying to figure out a way to get their parents to see each other and that will spark their romance again. Focusing on the scene where the parents see each other and talk for the first time, the scene is shot outside at the pool of the hotel they were staying at. In the beginning of the scene, the camera zooms out from the father to show a wide shot of the whole pool which is rather busy. There are waiters walking around with towels, guests of the hotel enjoying the pool, and you can even see Nick Parker narrowly avoid running into a waitress. While the camera is still focused on the whole set, you can see him in the lower left side of the frame greeting his fiance's parents. The next frame is a close up of him talking to the parents while obviously distracted. Using the rule of thirds, Nick is placed to the left of the frame while he keeps glancing away from the parents into the frame and the frame then cuts to Elizabeth. This is also following the 180 rule. Because the scene takes place outside by a pool, the lighting is very bright as to act like the sun. 

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When Nick spots Elizabeth, you hear some classical and elegant music as she walks elegantly down a staircase towards the pool. When the camera goes back to Nick as he blows off his future in-laws, walking towards Elizabeth, he is dodging people left and right with his eyes focused right on Elizabeth until he runs into a waiter and falls into the pool. As Nick is getting closer to the pool, the intensity of the music picks up which gives you a sense something is going to go wrong. As Nick is getting out of the pool, the camera pans up from his feet to show you that he is soaking wet from head to toe. As you lead up to the point where Nick and Elizabeth first speak, the music gets louder and picks up its intensity which leads to their first words to each other in years. 

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