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Apollo 13

For my second top 100 film review, I watched Apollo 13. This is by far one of my favorite movies for multiple reasons. This movie is a true story of the mission to the moon for astronauts Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, and Jack Swigert. The buildup to the launch had me hooked and finding myself rooting for them to walk on the moon. Not long after the launch, an oxygen tank explodes and creates multiple issues that inhibit their plans to walk on the moon along with their chances of returning home safely. My favorite part of how the movie was made is that all of the shots where they’re in zero gravity, they were actually in a zero gravity environment. I think that this helps you imagine what the astronauts were going dealing with when they were in space. Another shot that I particularly liked was when they were traveling around the moon and caught a glimpse of it through the window, between the way the shot was filmed, the background music, etc. gave you the feeling of disappointment that they wouldn’t get to walk on the moon. At the same time, you could also feel the tension when the astronauts were dealing with issues that were threatening a safe return home. This was well pictured at the NASA headquarters with how chaotic everything was with people trying to figure out what went wrong and what they could do to fix it and get the astronauts home safely. Another one of my favorite parts was when they were returning home but they weren’t sure if the heat shield was going to withstand the amount of heat it needed to after being damaged in the explosion. After the oxygen tank exploded, oxygen levels decrease and carbon dioxide levels increased, they didn’t have enough power left to keep the computers on etc. it seemed as if nothing could go right and gave you the feeling that there was no chance the heat shield was going to hold up. Overall, I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone even if they’re not interested in space and the NASA program. This movie was intriguing from the beginning because of the shots that were filmed. Another reason I recommend this movie is because without very much information about NASA and the trips into space, the movie was very easy to follow along with and very informing. I also found myself more interested in how space travel worked after watching this movie. 

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