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Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting is about Will Hunting, a young boy who works as a Janitor at MIT even though he has a higher IQ than the professors there and would easily excel as a student. It isn’t until he solves a math problem in a matter of minutes that took the professors years to prove that his potential is discovered. After Will gets arrested again, he is faced with jail time until the professor makes a deal with him. In order to stay out of jail, Will must complete math problems with the professor and see a therapist once a week. The professor takes the boy under his wing to try to help him succeed and reach his full potential in many ways such as setting up job interviews for him. Reluctantly, Will sees a therapist once a week and to his surprise, makes a connection with him that he’ll never forget.

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I really enjoyed watching this movie for the main reason being that I liked the plot. The main character, Will is a funny character and he’s easy to relate to in some ways such as him not wanting to settle down and instead just keep living the life he has been. While he can be easy to relate to at times, there’s other times when you can’t relate to him at all but the way it’s acted and written helps you to understand. For example, when he is explaining to Skylar why he doesn’t mind Organic Chemistry and how stuff like that isn’t hard for him.

After taking cinematography and making films, I don’t watch films in the same way anymore. For example, there is a scene when Will is on a train and it’s filmed from an angle so you can’t see the reflection of the camera crew in the windows. There was another scene where Will was looking out the window of an office and the lighting on his face was very bright to imitate the sun shining through the window. Also, in the beginning of the film, Will is doing math on a mirror, and again it is filmed at angle and a close up shot so you don’t see the reflection of anything but Will. Another thing I noticed that I wouldn’t have thought about unless I took cinema was clocks. In a scene with Will and Sean, Will goes the full hour of their session without saying anything and their is some b-roll of a clock ticking away with the time. Then, you see Sean and Will again before seeing just the clock again a half hour later. I remember when we were filming for the Cyberbullying PSA, we had trouble filming a certain shot because of the clock on the phone we were using in the shot. The way they avoided this however was by not keeping the clock in the shot at all times and just using it as b-roll for two shots.

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I would definitely recommend watching this movie for a couple reasons. One being that it covers many points of interest. There is some romance and heartbreak, but also some comedy throughout the movie along with friendships, conflict, and success. It was a very interesting movie to watch and I stayed entertained throughout the whole movie.

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