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Genre Shift

For my genre shift trailer, I chose the tv series One Tree Hill. One Tree Hill is a series about a Tree Hill High, a High School in Tree Hill, North Carolina. The series begins with the main characters in high school. The main idea is about half brothers who hate each other who compete against one another on the basketball team. While in high school, there are different romances, fueds, and plot twists. I chose one of the scenes where a main character, Peyton, has a stalker and he pretends to be her half brother whom she's never met. He isn't actually her half brother but instead obsessed with her. This scene was the night of prom when Derek (the stalker) found out that Peyton knew he wasn't actually her brother. He tried to kill Peyton and her best friend, Brooke. I turned this scene from horror into a comedy but didn't get a chance to finish it because I was very indecisive about how I wanted to create my Genre Shift Trailer. Originally, I was planning on turning the movie Elf into a horror film but didn't like the way it was turning out so I changed my mind. I had a hard time with this assignment because I'm not very creative so I had a hard time coming up with an idea for what to do and then I ended up changing my mind many times. 

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