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About Ashley


Ashley Heaton is a Junior at Burr and Burton Academy. Since freshman year, Ashley has been a part of the Girls Varsity Basketball team playing as a point guard. As a Sophomore, Ashley participated in the 2018 French Exchange. In February she hosted a student from Lycée St. Cricq for two weeks. Two months later, Ashley traveled to France to spend a week with his family and a week exploring Paris with the rest of the French Exchange participants. Next to traveling to France, one of her favorite memories is visiting Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks with her family over the summer. When she's not in France, Wyoming, or on the basketball court, she loves to be by the water so you can find her at Equinox Pond with her friends or at Baboosic Lake with her family in New Hampshire. Some of her favorite memories with her family have occurred in Marco Island, Florida visiting her Grandparents. Below are some pictures of Ashley with her friends and family.


Since taking this class the first time, I became much more proficient in editing. Prior to taking this class, I had never used Final Cut Pro, before I knew it I had edited an entire interview on my own. One area of cinematography that I need to improve on is my knowledge on the cameras that we have. When I first took the class my work ethic started out strong but faded and I wasn't as driven towards the end of the semester. Knowing this, my goal for this semester is to continue to work hard throughout the entire semester. The thing that will keep me motivated is the experience I had last semester. I will stay motivated knowing that one semester isn't that much time at all. I would really like to make a tv show opening this year because I think is a film that is going to be a lot of fun to make but also watch back later. 

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