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Behind the Scenes

Black Panther

Before Black Panther was released, it tooks months to get it ready for audiences. Just creating the set took four months only to be used for two weeks of filming. This gives you an idea of how much work gets put into pre production and how much it pays off during filming. Watching the behind the scenes videos, you get a look into some of the many fight scenes. One thing I thought was interesting was during one of the fights, it took place in water. In the behind the scenes video, you can see all the different camera men in waders and rain gear. Along with the cameramen, you can see the multiple cameras they have to capture different shots and all the cameras are bagged because of the water. While they aren’t filming, you can see the actors in towels to dry off and stay warm. In this same scene, there is a waterfall in the movie but in the behind the scenes, you see a blue screen.

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Another scene that stood out to me was the fight scene in the casino. In the behind the scenes video, you can see how easily the railings break when the actors get “thrown” into them. One thing that caught my eye in the casino scene was how many cameras there were to make sure they could capture everything that was happening all over the room. In a different fight scene. You see the Black Panther holding a soldier by the neck while he’s bent over backwards. In order to film that without injury the actor, they have someone holding the actor up from the back.

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The Black Panther has superpowers because of the vibranium in Wakanda and in one scene in particular, the Black Panther throws someone just using his own hands. Behind the scenes, you see that the character that gets thrown is really attached to wires. When the Black Panther throws him, he gets lifted into the air and put back onto the ground fast enough that it looks real but because of the wires, he’s under enough control that he doesn’t get hurt.

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Because the movie Black Panther is very futuristic, they used a lot of blue screens to create backgrounds to meet their ideas instead of going and traveling the world looking for a place that exists to shoot the movie. In the behind the scenes shots they showed, you can see that the majority of the shots were filmed mostly in front of a blue screen.

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